Recent Announcements

NEW COLLEGE CLASS!: College students, we hope you can join us for Bible Study & Lunch each Sunday at noon. The class is being taught by Stan Kunigelis, Jeff & Cindy Elkins & meeting in a first floor classroom. Each week, lunch will be provided. Friends are welcome!

Valentine's Dinner: Join us for a special menu on Wednesday evening, Feb. 12! We will be having lasagna, garlic bread, strawberry spinach salad & assorted desserts! You can sign up by contacting Teresa Adkins at 276-393-0977.

HOLY COMMUNION: Will be observed on Sunday, March 2 during the 11am worship service.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT ACTIVITIES: Join us at 6pm each Wednesday evening for supper, followed by Bible Study at 7pm & Choir Practice at 7:30pm!

WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO SERVE?: Children's Ministry? Youth Ministry? Music Ministry? Kitchen? Missions? Worship? Building & Facilties? Contact Oscar Raile (Chairman of the Personnel Committee) at 276-870-0131